Rachael Cone - Christchurch real estate agent supporting Christchurch, Rangiora, Selwyn, Nelson, Blenheim, Dunedin, Invercargill, Kaikoura, Ashburton and Alexandra.

Rachael Cone

Rachael Cone
Introducing Rachael Cone:

I first entered the Real Estate industry 25 years ago, following in the footsteps of family members before me.

I loved selling property and dealing with people. During my first 5 years I covered and helped out in every division of our real estate office, from administration to sales, open homes to accounts. However it was not long into my journey before I identified a common concern amongst the many people I talked to; from mums and dads, to investors/developers and young people starting out on their own property ladder. They believed they were being fleeced by high real estate fees in New Zealand and expressed the need for a professional team of people who could deliver the same service and results without charging the earth. 

Equally disillusioned were salespeople who were being made to compete in a marketplace where 80% of their time was being spent prospecting for their next listing rather than actually doing what they love. 

The answer to both of these problems was found in the model we pursued - a fair fee of 1.5%. Establishing Total Realty in 2007, homeowners were thrilled with the savings of thousands in fees (over $10,000 on average). Due to the sheer number that responded to this by calling us to sell their properties, the salespeople that joined us no longer needed to spend 80% of their time prospecting for leads - they were able to get back to doing what they love - listing and selling homes!

To this day we do not have a quiet moment in our busy office and our staff have taken the workload on with a passion I am extremely proud of. In fact it was not long before we opened a second office in Rangiora to service the North Canterbury region and also expanded into Mid/South Canterbury.

Owing to continued strong customer demand, we were delighted to open branches in, Nelson, Blenheim, Kaikoura, Ashburton, Dunedin and Invercargill! 

If you are contemplating selling your home and can identify with the thousands of South Islanders who wanted something different from their real estate agency, then I urge you to phone one of our highly-skilled Salespeople for a chat. We look forward to hearing from you!